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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section{Use Secure Messaging}\label{use-secure-messaging}
Posted on: \textbf{23 January 2024}
Category: \textbf{Software} \& \textbf{Technology}
In an era of uncomfortably intrusive tracking, the requirement for
secure messaging has become crucial. With companies like
intruding our privacy on a daily basis, we must take a stand, especially
with the messaging applications, perhaps the most sensitive piece of
software that people use. In this article, I will explain why it is
urgent for you to take the stand by using secure messaging and explain
how to get started.
\subsection{Privacy: An Ignored
Privacy is incredibly important in this modern day and age. This is why
I will only speak about messaging software that is \textbf{both private
and secure.} When choosing software, privacy and security should have
equal importance.
Why would one use secure messaging if they have nothing to hide?
\subsubsection{Protecting Your Privacy}\label{protecting-your-privacy}}
Your privacy is incredibly important. However, it is ignored by most
people, citing that they have nothing to hide. Everyone has something to
hide, whether that be related to their money, reputation or even
personal issues. Imagine your reaction if your current messages in their
entirety got leaked, allowing anyone to read and go through them. You
would be uncomfortable and also fear people taking advantage of your
private messages. It is for this reason that it is important to
safeguard your most personal conversations.
\subsubsection{Avoiding Cyber Threats}\label{avoiding-cyber-threats}}
Secure messaging uses end-to-end encryption. However, it is not wise to
completely trust when companies advertise end-to-end encryption. It
depends mostly on the algorithm that they use. For example, the Signal
protocol is open-source and fully available to the public. This allows
people to view and even contribute to improving its overall
effectiveness. However, WhatsApp\textquotesingle s encryption is
proprietary. No one knows what encryption algorithm WhatsApp is running
on their servers which makes it impossible to determine if it is secure.
All in all, you should do your own research before proceeding.
\subsubsection{Protecting Metadata}\label{protecting-metadata}}
Your \href{}{metadata is
crucial} to protecting your conversations. It can give context to your
messages. Protecting your metadata helps mask your messages and protects
it from being tampered.
\subsection{Getting Started}\label{getting-started}}
I will be showcasing how to download and use secure messaging apps. As
aforementioned, I will only show apps that are \textbf{both secure and
\subsubsection{1. Choose a secure app}\label{1-choose-a-secure-app}}
Firstly, download one of the following:
\href{}{Signal} - It is free, open-source and
is a great alternative for WhatsApp
\href{}{Session} - It is incredibly private.
You do not get a phone number and have to backup a seed phrase, making
it complicated for most users.
\href{}{Threema} - Threema is a \textbf{paid}
option but also easy to use.
Next, open your app and set it up. Keep only the bare minimum data about
you. For my name, I keep a dash (-) and no profile picture.
\subsubsection{2. Enable two-factor
Now, enable \href{}{two-factor authentication} if
available. This allows you to prevent others from registering using your
credentials without your consent.
\subsubsection{3. Keep updating}\label{3-keep-updating}}
Regularly check for updates. If an app has an update, update it. This
prevents security and privacy breaches from occurring.
\subsubsection{4. Use disappearing
Keep disappearing messages on by default. This ensures that sensitive
messages are deleted within a period of time. For extremely sensitive
chats, consider visiting the person you want to talk to physically. If
that is not an option, turn on disappearing messages and set a time
limit for 5 minutes and chat with them, so that the messages disappear
after 5 minutes.
\subsubsection{5. Educate your contacts}\label{5-educate-your-contacts}}
If your contacts are still on other messaging apps, convince them to
join secure messaging apps as well. This allows you to have a secure
option even if your main chats are on the other app.
In conclusion, it is important to employ secure messaging. Signal,
Session and Threema are all viable applications that one can use. If
only a few of your contacts are on Signal, do not worry. Talk to them on
Signal and the others on the app you talk with them on. Remember,
privacy is a journey, not a destination.