I use \href{https://archlinux.org/}{Arch Linux}. I love its lightweight
and do-it-yourself nature. It gives me more control over what is
installed on my PC.
\emph{Window Manager:}
I use \href{https://dwm.suckless.org/}{DWM}. It is lightweight and you build it by modifying the source code which makes your build personal. It was made by Suckless. By default, Suckless software is basic and it seems condescending to use the software. However, you make it your own by patching it with the patches on their website. Please check out other suckless utilities \href{https://suckless.org}{here}. You can find my build \href{https://forgejo.sufyaan.cyou/TitanElectrons/dwm}{here}.
\emph{Terminal Emulator:}
I use \href{https://st.suckless.org/}{st}. It is another piece of Suckless software. You can find my build \href{https://forgejo.sufyaan.cyou/TitanElectrons/st}{here}.
I use \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_shell}{zsh} due to its speed
and features like autocomplete and plugins.
\emph{Text Editor:}
I use \href{https://neovim.io/}{Neovim} for my text editing and will
never switch to another program. It is fast, versatile, extensible and
extremely lightweight. Most importantly, it works extremely well for my
\emph{Web Browser:}
I use \href{https://librewolf.net/}{Librewolf} with two profiles. For
more information, \href{https://sufyaan.cyou/browser/}{view my post on
my browser setup}.
\emph{Password Manager:}
I use \href{https://keepass.info/}{KeePass} with
\href{https://syncthing.net/}{Syncthing}. KeePass is incredibly secure.
Read \href{https://sufyaan.cyou/kpst}{this post} for more information.
I use \href{https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki}{VimWiki} also with
\href{https://syncthing.net/}{Syncthing}. I use the
\href{https://github.com/gsantner/markor}{Markor} app on my phone to
view the notes. Read \href{vimwiki}{this post} for more information.
\emph{File Manager:}
I have \href{https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/thunar}{Thunar} installed
but I do not use it most of the time. I use the terminal for most of my
file management.
\emph{Media Player:}
I use \href{https://mpv.io/}{MPV}, the best media player on the planet.
It is fast, \href{https://sufyaan.cyou/definitions/free-software/}{free
software} and infinitely extensible.
\emph{RSS Reader:}
I use \href{https://newsboat.org/index.html}{Newsboat} since it reduces
the need for me to go to all of my websites separately.
\emph{PDF Viewer:}
\href{https://pwmt.org/projects/zathura/}{Zathura} all the way. I am
never switching to anything else. It is just so fast and simple.
\emph{Image Viewer:}
\href{https://github.com/nsxiv/nsxiv}{nsxiv} is what I use. It is just
like Zathura; fast and efficient.
\emph{Recording and Streaming:}
I use FFmpeg to record and encode my screen recordings. I use
\href{https://kdenlive.org/en/}{Kdenlive} to edit my videos. In case of
streaming, I use \href{https://obsproject.com/}{OBS Studio} to stream.
\href{https://sufyaan.cyou/plaintext}{I write in plaintext formats as
much as possible}. When writing posts or other formatted notes, I use
\href{https://sufyaan.cyou/definitions/markdown}{Markdown (.md)} and I
use \href{https://www.latex-project.org}{LaTeX} for documents.
\emph{Image Editing:}
This is perhaps the only non-free software I use. I use