<p>This post consists of all the hardware, software and other tools I use on a daily basis for all of my work. <strong>I am for tools that are lightweight, minimal and work fast on all types of devices.</strong></p>
<p>I have a custom-built computer that I bought in 2021. This was during the chip shortage but I needed a PC and could not wait as it was impacting my work. These are the specs:</p>
<p>When I am on the go, I cannot sacrifice any of my work. This is why I use the HP ENVY x360 laptop. I was going to buy a ThinkPad but I am using this since it was a gift.</p>
<p>I use the <ahref="https://us.nothing.tech/pages/phone-1">Nothing Phone (1)</a>. It is a spectacular phone from a great new brand that keeps getting better with each update they release. It looks extremely cool with the glyph lights, which I find to be useful in some cases.</p>
<p>Along with my phone, I use the <ahref="https://www.oneplus.com/us/product/oneplus-bullets-wireless-z">OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z</a></p>
<pid="os"><iclass="fa fa-linux"aria-hidden="true"></i><em>Operating System (Linux Distribution):</em></p>
<p>I use <ahref="https://archlinux.org/">Arch Linux</a>. I love its lightweight and do-it-yourself nature. It gives me more control over what is installed on my PC.</p>
<p>I use <ahref="https://xmonad.org/">Xmonad</a>. It is lightweight and uses <ahref="https://www.haskell.org/">Haskell</a> as its language. I have tinkered around a lot and reached a setup that I love.</p>
<p>I use <ahref="https://neovim.io/">Neovim</a> for my text editing and will never switch to another program. It is fast, versatile, extensible and extremely lightweight. Most importantly, it works extremely well for my usecase.</p>
<p>I use <ahref="https://librewolf.net/">Librewolf</a> with two profiles. For more information, <astyle="color:#bd93f9"href="https://sufyaan.cyou/browser/">view my post on my browser setup</a>.</p>
<p>I use <ahref="https://keepass.info/">KeePass</a> with <ahref="https://syncthing.net/">Syncthing</a>. KeePass is incredibly secure. Read <astyle="color:#bd93f9"href="https://sufyaan.cyou/kpst">this post</a> for more information.</p>
<p>I use <ahref="https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki">VimWiki</a> also with <ahref="https://syncthing.net/">Syncthing</a>. I use the <ahref="https://github.com/gsantner/markor">Markor</a> app on my phone to view the notes. Read <astyle="color:#bd93f9"href="vimwiki">this post</a> for more information.</p>
<p>I have <ahref="https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/thunar">Thunar</a> installed but I do not use it most of the time. I use the terminal for most of my file management.</p>
<p>I use <ahref="https://mpv.io/">MPV</a>, the best media player on the planet. It is fast, <astyle="color:#50fa7b"href="https://sufyaan.cyou/definitions/free-software/">free software</a> and infinitely extensible.</p>
<p><ahref="https://github.com/nsxiv/nsxiv">nsxiv</a> is what I use. It is just like Zathura; fast and efficient.</p>
<pid="rec"><iclass="fa fa-desktop"aria-hidden="true"></i><em>Recording and Streaming:</em></p>
<p>I use FFmpeg to record and encode my screen recordings. I use <ahref="https://kdenlive.org/en/">Kdenlive</a> to edit my videos. In case of streaming, I use <ahref="https://obsproject.com/">OBS Studio</a> to stream.</p>
<p><astyle="color:#bd93f9"href="https://sufyaan.cyou/plaintext">I write in plaintext formats as much as possible</a>. When writing posts or other formatted notes, I use <ahref="https://sufyaan.cyou/definitions/markdown">Markdown (.md)</a> and I use <ahref="https://www.latex-project.org">LaTeX</a> for documents.</p>
<p>These are all of the tools I use. They may change in the future, but there is a low chance of that happening since I have gotten used to all of these amazing tools.</p>