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1 year ago
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pdftitle={(POST) Why I Removed Icons},
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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Why I Removed Icons]{Why I Removed Icons}\label{why-i-removed-icons}
\textbf{28 October 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Updates
If you browsed my website recently, you would have noticed that I
removed all icons. There are many reasons for this change. The TLDR is
that my love for quirky icons spiraled into flaming anger whenever I had
to align them properly. I will go into more detail in this post.
Icons cluttered my website. No matter how hard I tried, they never
looked right on all devices at once. If it was working fine on desktop,
it wasn\textquotesingle t on mobile and vice versa. This led to hours
trying to adjust the size and position of each icon to make sure they
looked good which they never did.
The last point ties into this one. The removal of icons led to clear
lists, text and headings. I did not expect the website to look this much
better without icons. This makes the website look consistent.
Removing icons makes my job a whole lot easier. I don\textquotesingle t
have to worry about how an icon will look. I just copy-paste a folder
and start typing away.
To sum it up, I removed icons because they made my website look
cluttered. Without them, my website is more readable and is easier for
me to work on.