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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[VimWiki Is Terrific]{VimWiki Is Terrific}\label{why-i-use-terminal-apps}
\textbf{26 July 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Linux
I have recently been using
\href{}{VimWiki} to take all of my
notes instead of Joplin, and it has been working really well. It has its
own \href{../definitions/markdown}{Markdown (.md)} format, but I use
regular \href{../definitions/markdown}{Markdown (.md)} with it. I use
Syncthing to sync all my notes to all of my devices. There is barely any
delay, so there are never any conflict issues.
\subsection[What Is VimWiki?]{What Is VimWiki?}\label{what-is-vimwiki}}
VimWiki is a plugin for Vim or Neovim that allows you to create a
personal wiki. On this wiki, you can add anything you want. It is
essentially \href{}{Obsidian} but more minimal and
Since it runs in Vim or Neovim, it is extremely fast, lightweight and
has barely any bloat. It runs blazingly fast even on old devices. The
capability is also extremely high, since you can edit files at light
speed when you learn Vim or Neovim properly.
\subsection[How Is It Useful?]{How Is It
Using VimWiki, it is trivial to organise notes, ideas, diaries, to-do
lists or even future plans. It supports tables, links and much more.
There is even an option to export your
\href{../definitions/markdown}{Markdown (.md)} files to HTML, which
allows you to create webpages quickly.
VimWiki is so versatile that I wrote this post completely in VimWiki.
View the raw \href{../definitions/markdown/}{Markdown (.md)} file
It allows you to do everything regular
\href{../definitions/markdown}{Markdown (.md)} can do and more. For
example, you can have checklists with progress on them, like this;
\textbf{{[} {]} -\/-\textgreater{} 0\% complete}
\textbf{{[}.{]} -\/-\textgreater{} 1\% - 33\% complete}
\textbf{{[}o{]}-\/-\textgreater{} 33\% - 66\% complete}
\textbf{{[}O{]}-\/-\textgreater{} 66\% - 99\% complete}
\textbf{{[}X{]}-\/-\textgreater{} 100\% complete}
You can even have pre-formatted text. This makes it useful to add and
explain code.
\subsection[How Do You Use It?]{How Do You Use
On my computers, I use Neovim to use VimWiki. When it comes to my phone,
I use the \href{}{Markor} app, which
is a \href{../definitions/markdown}{Markdown (.md)} viewer. It is not
the best experience on mobile, but I am willing to give that up for an
amazing experience on my computers, since I use and note down things on
my computer more.
The reason I am using VimWiki now is mainly to stay in line with me
preferring plaintext to proprietary note apps or formats. As I mentioned
in my last post, I try to use as much plaintext as possible to prevent
distractions and have easy access to my notes wherever and whenever I
want to.
To conclude, I switched to VimWiki because I find it faster and easier
to use Neovim directly on my computer. I love using
\href{../definitions/markdown}{Markdown (.md)}, so I feel at home when
using VimWiki. It is also because I prefer to use plaintext as much as