<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><title>(POST) How To Encrypt Emails</title><linkrel="icon"type="image/x-icon"href="../../images/favicon.webp"><linkrel='stylesheet'type='text/css'href="../../style.css"><linkrel='stylesheet'href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"media="all"><metacharset="utf-8"/><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"></head><body><ahref="../../"><divstyle="text-align:center"><imgsrc="../../images/sufyaan.webp"></div></a><hr/><p><ahref="../../">sf.cu</a> > <astyle="color:#bd93f9"href="../">Blog</a> > <astyle="color:#bd93f9"href=".">How To Encrypt Emails</a></p><h1><iclass="fa fa-lock"aria-hidden="true"></i>How To Encrypt Emails</h1><pstyle="font-size:110%"><strong><iclass="fa fa-calendar"aria-hidden="true"></i>14 March 2023</strong></p><pstyle="font-size:110%"><iclass="fa fa-clock-o"aria-hidden="true"></i><strong>4 min</strong><p><pstyle="font-size:110%"><iclass="fa fa-arrow-right"aria-hidden="true"></i></strong><astyle="color:#ff79c6"href="../software/"><iclass="fa fa-laptop"aria-hidden="true"></i>Software</a>&&<astyle="color:#ff79c6"href="../guides/"><iclass="fa fa-book"aria-hidden="true"></i>Guides</a></p><p>In this article, I will show you how to encrypt emails. You can encrypt emails on almost any device. In this article, however, I will be focusing on Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo. I will also be focusing on making ProtonMail encrypt emails with Gmail.</p><h2><iclass="fa fa-fire"aria-hidden="true"></i>Myths</h2><p>Firstly, let us dispell a few myths. The first myth is a big one.</p><h3>Gmail's Confidential mode does not encrypt your emails</h3><p>Yes, you heard that right. Gmail's confidential mode does not encrypt your emails. Whenever I speak about email encryption, I hear something along the lines of:</p><p><em>“Why are you making things so complicated? Just use Gmail's confidential mode! It encrypts your emails for you!”</em></p><p>No, Gmail's confidential mode does not encrypt emails. It simply puts a password on your email.</p><h3>ProtonMail does not encrypt emails sent to non-ProtonMail users</h3><p>This is also a huge myth. ProtonMail encrypts emails sent to other ProtonMail users. However, they do not encrypt emails sent to or received from non-ProtonMail users. It collects less data about you and it stores your emails with encryption on their servers but the email itself is not encrypted on the other person's end.</p><p>Encryption for non-ProtonMail users works on a user-to-user basis. You have to have the encryption keys of the other person if they are a non-ProtonMail user and they also have to encrypt their emails manually. We will learn how to do this in this guide.</p><h2><iclass="fa fa-firefox"aria-hidden="true"></i>Online Email</h2><p>Encrypting your emails online is a simple process.</p><h3>Step 1: Get the Mailvelope extension</h3><p><ahref="https://mailvelope.com/">Mailvelope is a free, libre and open-source browser extension</a> which allows you to not only encrypt emails using public keys but also has a keyserver which has a list of other people who use Mailvelope. Emails sent to other people using Mailvelope will automatically be encrypted.</p><h3>Step 2: Set it up</h3><p>Open the extension and generate your keypair if you do not have a keypair or import your keypair if you do have one.</p><divstyle="text-align:center"><imgsrc="mailvelope-1.webp"alt="Mailvelope Setup Screen"></div><h3>Step 3: Import other people's keys</h3><p>Encourage all of your friends to get the Mailvelope extension. Afterwards, you can import their public keys. Henceforth, all emails will be encrypted. Many websites also give their own public key along with their emails so that you can encrypt them as well. If you have friends who use ProtonMail, go to the ProtonMail import section of this post.</p><h3>Step 4: Send encrypted emails!</h3><p>Whenever you go to compose an email, there will be a button like the image below. Just click on it and there will be a popup to compose your en