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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Minimal Design]{Minimal Design}\label{why-i-use-terminal-apps}
\textbf{28 July 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Design
\renewcommand*\contentsname{Table Of Contents}
People often ask me why I choose minimal design for brands. This is
because it has numerous practical advantages that provide ease and
consistency in a brand.
\subsection[Focusing On The Requirements]{Focusing On The
One of the main aspects of minimal design is that it focuses on only the
required elements of a specific brand. As a result, design becomes
distractionless. This is especially easy nowadays since almost no one
cares about the meaning behind a logo except in rare cases.
Another advantage of this type of design is that it focuses on the core
message, or in this case, brand type. Too much designing can confuse
viewers on whether a brand is a playful brand or a luxury brand, for
Minimal design, especially in the realm of branding, makes a brand feel
timeless. You could take almost any minimal design from 200 years ago
and use it for your brand today if there were no limits on copying. On
the other hand, a sophisticated design from even 50 years ago will look
dated most of the time.
This works because the elements that cause a brand to look dated are
reduced to an absolute minimum. With minimal design, you have as little
correlation with time as possible in your brands.
Minimal design when performed properly can make any brand look elegant.
This is due to their simple nature. Look at most luxury brands, and you
will notice that their designs are all simple.
Minimal designs are also consistent. This makes it easy to make a strong
and impactful brand that reminds viewers of you. This can also be
achieved through other types of design, but it is more powerful on
average with minimal design.
Such types of consistency also provide versatility. You can place your
brand design in any context, screen size, device and media type while
also maintaining a strong brand presence.
\subsection[Breathing Space]{Breathing Space}\label{breathing-space}}
Many designs nowadays are complicated and provide barely any breathing
space for your eyes. With minimal designs, however, you can rest easy.
Your eyes will not be overwhelmed by minimal design as much as
complicated designs.
This is useful on informational posts or flyers. It allows your users to
process information clearly without any clutter.
Minimal designs often make use of negative space or whitespace to make a
design look appealing. This can look spectacular if executed correctly.
Below is an example:
A Spade Logo
Minimal brand designs can be easily maintained and modified. This makes
them versatile in terms of rebranding.
Minimal designs are preferred because:
They focus on the requirements
They are timeless and elegant
They stay consistent
They give your eyes breathing space
They use harmony in a positive way
They are easier to maintain
These are the main reasons I do minimal design.