<p>I forgot the passwords to my PGP keys. <strong>PLEASE DO NOT USE MY OLD PGP KEYS TO SEND ME EMAILS!!!</strong> I did not make a revocation certificate as well which is a bad mistake. I have learned my lesson to say the least. Please use my new <ahref="../about/files/sufyaan.gpg">PGP key over here.</a></p>
<p><ahref="mailto:sufyaan@counterhawks.com?subject=PGP%20KEYS%20CHANGED!">>>> Reply To Me</a></p>
<h2><svgclass="heading2"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"viewBox="0 0 24 24"><pathfill="currentColor"d="M6.012 18H21V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H6c-1.206 0-3 .799-3 3v14c0 2.201 1.794 3 3 3h15v-2H6.012C5.55 19.988 5 19.805 5 19s.55-.988 1.012-1zM8 6h9v2H8V6z"/></svg>To Sum It All Up...</h2>
<p>...terminal applications should be used as much as possible. They are swift. They can be used quickly and also use less resources and space while running on just about anything. They are not as difficult as they look and can be used for uses which GUI apps do not have. They cannot be used all the time because there are rare exceptions in which GUI applications have to be used. However, these are so little that I do not mind keeping GUI apps just for these use cases.
<p><ahref="mailto:sufyaan@counterhawks.com?subject=Why%20I%20Use%20Terminal%20Apps">>>> Reply To Me</a></p>