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sf.me > Blog > Delete Your Discord

Delete Your Discord

Posted on: 22 March 2023

Reading time: 3 min

Category: Software && Guides

As mentioned in the title, I have deleted my Discord account. This was obviously not without a reason. There are two reasons due to which I deleted my Discord account:

The most prominent reason is privacy but lack of use compelled me to actually take the plunge and delete my Discord account.



Discord is a hellhole for your privacy. Avoid it at all costs. In this section, I will show you the various things that Discord tracks.


OpenFeint was a mobile social network for gaming. The Founder of OpenFeint was Jason Citron, the current CEO of Discord. OpenFeint received a class-action lawsuit for storing data like:

OpenFeint then revealed all of this data to any mobile game developer who asked for it and advertising networks.

Well, if they collected all of this data, you must have agreed to it, right?

No. The company never asked for your consent. This data collection involved over 100M mobile devices.


So, when you have the CEO of a company that did all of this data collection become the CEO of another company, what do you think he is going to do? The answer is obvious. Of course he will do the same thing.

Let us go over what privacy issues there currently are with Discord.

  1. All messages, including direct messages are unencrypted.
  2. Discord collects every single thing you do.
  3. Discord collects information about game executables.
  4. Government agencies, gather round!
  5. The privacy toggles in the Discord app do nothing.
  6. Your messages are with us... and everyone else.
  7. Oh, and don't do it yourself.


... this is not all that Discord does. If we know that Discord does all of this, there is obviously more that they are doing that we do not know. You should always assume closed-source pieces of software are tracking you and sending your information to a third-party.

Lack of Use

I was not using Discord anymore so I deleted it. The reason is that my previous account got banned for botting when I did not do anything. I made a new account, chatted with three or four of my friends. Afterwards, the CounterHawks Discord server got banned. Due to this, I realized there is no use for my account and that there is no reason for me to support Discord.


I do not use Discord anymore and probably never will. Previously, it was difficult to delete my Discord account but Discord themselves have done all the hard work for me.

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