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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Writing With Fountain Pens]{Writing With Fountain Pens}\label{why-i-use-terminal-apps}
\textbf{30 July 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Other
I have heard great things about writing with fountain pens and decided
to try one. I have recently purchased the Jinhao X750 and I have to say
that I am not going back.
\centerline{Jinhao X750}
Buying a fountain pen elevated my writing experience. It is more about
keeping in touch with an old lost art, that is writing. As an extreme
technology user myself, using digital versions of literally everything,
it is refreshing to write using a good tool and love writing again.
\subsection[What Ink Did You Use?]{What Ink Did You Use?}\label{ink}}
I used the
4001} in black, and it is going great so far. I might use this pen for
all my writing as it makes it a treat.
\subsection[How Did It Feel?]{How Did It Feel?}\label{feel}}
The first time I wrote with my pen, it felt like I had unlocked a new
door in writing. It felt like I was writing something that would impact
the world in some way, even though I was just writing my name. Every
time I write using it, it feels like I am doing something extraordinary,
rather than just doing it for the sake of it.
The art of customising what goes in your pen also really piqued my
curiosity. The fact that I can choose what ink and converter I want to
use makes me relieved, even though I most likely will never change my
converter. I can use glow-in-the-dark ink, green ink, purple ink and
much more in the same pen and can switch it at almost any time.
I would say that fountain pens are expensive up-front, but cheaper in
the long run. You do not have to keep spending money like you would with
ball-point pens or roller-balls.
I love my new fountain pen. It has reignited my love for writing. I will
use it for all my writing because of the writing experience.