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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Password Systems]{Password Systems}\label{why-i-use-terminal-apps}
\textbf{2 May 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Software \& Guides
If you find it difficult to maintain strong passwords, then this guide
is the only article you need to refer to. In this article, I will talk
about an amazing trick to remember and manage all of your passwords.
It goes without saying that passwords are incredibly important. It is
undeniably important to make sure your passwords are:
Hard to guess
Different on every single account
However, it seems futile to try using different passwords on every
website. It is incredibly hard to remember just one; how can I remember
more than 10?
The solution to this undeniably rampant issue is to use a password
system. A password system is a set of rules and guidelines that you make
and follow to create your passwords. Using a password system, you need
not remember your passwords. All you have to do is string together
available pieces of data, and you can remember your password
The most common response I hear from people when I ask them to create a
password system is:
\emph{"I think using the same password on all accounts is better because
I don\textquotesingle t have a good memory to use a password system."}
That response always baffles me. The whole point of a password system is
not to remember your passwords but to remember a ruleset that will be
cemented into your brain after 3 or 4 times of entering your passwords.
\subsection[How to Create a Password System]{How to Create a Password
As aforementioned, a password system is a set of rules that you need to
remember instead of all of your passwords separately. An effective
password system consists of the following elements:
Master Password
Website/Service Differentiator
The main format and order of a password system is completely managed by
you. First, let us go over creating a master password.
\subsubsection{The Master Password}\label{the-master-password}}
I recommend this method of creating master passwords to anyone since the
passwords that are created are easy to remember but practically
impossible to guess.
\subsubsection{Step 1: Think of a good
Make sure it is long but easily memorable. The one which pops in your
mind when someone asks you to think of a sentence is a perfect choice as
long as it is of considerable length.
\texttt{I\ love\ eating\ 43\ and\ a\ half\ coconuts\ a\ day,\ I\ am\ not\ going\ to\ lie!}
\subsubsection{Step 2: Shortening the
Take the first letter of each word in the sentence and write it as is.
Do not change any characters to uppercase or lowercase or use a symbol
to represent it.
Example: \texttt{Ile43aahcad,Iangtl!}
\subsubsection{Step 3: Make it stronger}\label{step-3-make-it-stronger}}
Take the password you have in the last step and make it stronger in a
way that you will remember. This step is the one you have to be the most
careful in because making it too strong will make it difficult to
recollect in the future.
Do not use common substitutions like:
I -\/-\textgreater{} 1
A -\/-\textgreater{} @
T -\/-\textgreater{} 7
S -\/-\textgreater{} \$
Example: \texttt{I\textless{}3e43\&1/2cad,IangtLIE!}
\subsubsection{Step 4: Make your muscles learn
Do not proceed to the next section without doing this step. Recall the
sentence in your mind and try to write the same password you got in the
previous step. Do this at least 10 times. Wait a few hours, then do it
again. Wait until you sleep and do it again. This may seem unnecesarry,
but most people underestimate the power of muscle memory. If you login
to an account regularly, then you type your password without even
thinking about it. The same trick can be applied here.
After a while, you will be able to type your extremely long password
without any effort. You just think about it and your mind glides through
the keyboard. This is super useful.
\subsubsection{The Service
To make your password different for every website and service you go to,
there needs to be a service differentiator. A service differentiator is
a special combination of characters you add in your password system to
make it unique to the service you are on. It is not very difficult to
create a service differentiator and it is easier to remember.
The elements of a service differentiator are the name of the service and
length of the name of the service. Below is an example of a name
differentiator used for creating a Nextcloud account, Microsoft account
and Google account respectively.
As you can see, I added the name of the service in with the first 5
letter capitalized with an exclamation mark and the length of the
service three times.
By this point, you can make your own service differentiator easily.
\subsubsection{Creating Your Password
It is finally time to integrate your master password into a password
system. It is called a password \textbf{system,} which means that it is
dynamic and changes for every website. A sample password system can be
the following:
In my example\textquotesingle s case, my Google account password would
The password above is 33 characters, yes 33 characters long. No one will
be able to guess it and it will take hundreds of centuries to crack.
Best of all, it is different for each account.
You can mix the order up. Just make sure you don\textquotesingle t keep
changing the system and use one system. The best part is that if you
need to change your passwords, you can just make another system that
will work just as well. By that point, the previous system will be
embedded into your brain. So, you can remember multiple strong passwords
using this step.
Please note that this is not enough. If you have followed this guide,
you have taken a massive step towards protecting your accounts. However,
many cybercriminals rely on phishing attacks. Please do not click on
random links and please do not enter your information on random
Congratulations! You now know how to create an extremely strong password
that is different on each account.