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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Do It Yourself]{Do It Yourself}\label{why-i-use-terminal-apps}
\textbf{19 May 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Linux \& Software
With regards to technology, the average person would rather buy a new
computer when their WiFi stops working instead of taking it to a repair
shop or fixing it themselves. They would rather buy a new smartphone
when their screen cracks than repair it. They would also rather buy a
device because of its looks and arbitrary specifications than one
specific to their use case and their interests. They focus on the
marketing of a company and become
\textquotesingle fanboys\textquotesingle{} of a specific company, buying
nothing but their products, stating that the company in question makes
the best products in the world. Self-servicing and repairability are not
even factors in their decision to buy a device.
As an example, a plethora of technology enthusiasts still buy
\href{../definitions/thinkpad}{ThinkPads} to this day. When others look
at \href{../definitions/thinkpad}{ThinkPads}, they think whoever buys
them is not making a good decision. They think
\href{../definitions/thinkpad}{ThinkPads} look ugly. They do not focus
on the usability of a device. \href{../definitions/thinkpad}{ThinkPads}
are used because of their durability, repairability, fast performance,
and more. The fact that they are made for businesses means that there is
no profit for Lenovo in letting a ThinkPad break early. Instead, they
earn money by selling long-lasting and durable devices that last
individuals for years on end.
Instead of buying ThinkPads that \emph{function} amazingly, people go
for looks that \emph{impress} amazingly. A computer is a device designed
to perform computation. If you are shelling out a lot of money, you
should have a device that performs fast and can be repaired by you.
What I have realized is that you should \textquotesingle do it
yourself\textquotesingle{} as much as possible. This is why my computer
is custom-built. Had I bought a
\href{../definitions/pre-built-computers/}{pre-built computer,} I would
have never known what was inside my computer. This is tedious on
smartphones since they are becoming more and more locked down.
\href{../definitions/linux-phones}{Linux phones} are alternatives but
they are not great as of 2023. I hope they become mainstream soon
because I want to buy one.
Doing it yourself also helps in terms of software. I used to flash
custom ROMs on my old phone and used
\href{../definitions/lineageos}{LineageOS} extensively. Now, I use
\href{../definitions/arch-linux}{Arch Linux} on my computer, which is a
\href{../definitions/linux-distribution}{Linux distribution} that is
basically barebones. It has only the packages required to boot up.
Everything else is done by you. The advantage of an
\href{../definitions/operating-system}{operating system} like this is
that you know what runs on your system and there is minimal resource
usage. If there is an issue, you can easily find out which program it is
from and fix it immediately after gaining knowledge.
You should try to \textquotesingle do it yourself\textquotesingle. Take
control of your hardware and software and know what you are running. It
will not only be cheaper, but it will make it easier to fix issues and
learn about computing and technology in the long run.