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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Why You Should Torrent]{Why You Should Torrent}\label{why-i-use-terminal-apps}
\textbf{16 July 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Technology
I believe that everyone should download most of the files they use
through torrents as much as possible. This is because of its philosophy
to share and contribute. It has numerous advantages as well.
First, let\textquotesingle s clear a few myths about torrenting.
\subsubsection{"Torrenting is illegal!"}\label{torrenting-is-illegal}}
No. Torrenting is not illegal. This is the most common myth about
torrenting that scares people off. Torrents are a way to share files of
all types and this also includes illegal files and copyrighted material.
If you get caught torrenting files that are copyrighted, then the owner
of the file has the right to take action. However, you torrenting a
Linux ISO or a file that is in the public domain and free for anyone to
use is not illegal. In fact, it is recommended to prevent censorship.
\subsubsection{"Torrenting is only used to pirate
While there is some truth in it, \textbf{it is not used only to pirate
material.} Torrenting is an amazing way to share files with numerous
Torrenting has numerous advantages, mainly:
\textbf{RELIABILITY:} Files are not hosted on a single source. If a
file is popular and being seeded by many people, it is practically
impossible to shut down its torrent.
\textbf{FLEXIBILITY:} You can pause, stop and resume downloads at any
\textbf{SPEED:} Torrents help download a file faster than tradition
downloads if you find good seeders close to you.
\textbf{UNCENSORED:} Files that are being torrented can include
material that is being censored by governments. These files can be
shared to people living in all countries.
\textbf{CONTRIBUTE:} If you have a lot of bandwidth, it is trivial to
contribute by seeding a file.
\textbf{ORIGINAL:} Files are in their original format. There can be no
modification by a central source.
Let us expand on the points. Firstly, torrenting is reliable because
files are not hosted on a single source. It is common for websites to be
taken down and the files along with it. This causes issues if you are
looking for a file urgently but the websites that had the file are all
taken down. Secondly, flexibility. If you download files normally from a
web browser, closing the browser on accident or your laptop battery
running out of charge will stop the download. After you turn it back on,
you will have to start the download all over again. This is not the case
with torrents as they take random pieces of your file from many people
and piece them together after the download is over. This means that the
order of the pieces do not matter while the file is downloading and it
is easier to stop the download and continue it months later.
Torrenting has a speed advantage. If you are in Asia and the server you
are downloading a file from is in the United States, you will have an
incredibly hard time downloading it. The speed will be painfully slow.
However, if you torrent the same file and it is popular enough, there is
a high chance that someone near you is seeding the file. This means that
the file downloads swiftly.
Torrenting is also a tool used to combat censorship. If there are any
files that a government does not want its citizens to view, torrenting
allows individuals from outside the country to share it with citizens of
the government in question.
You can contribute heavily by torrenting. After you finish downloading
(leeching) a file, you begin a process known as seeding. Seeding is a
process in which you start sharing the file you have with other people.
This is helpful for many people as, without seeding, there would be no
torrents. The whole philosophy of torrents is to be a good person and
share the files you have with other people.
Originality is also a factor in torrenting. With torrenting, you can be
sure that a file is the same file that you should be downloading and
that there is no modification or tampering with the file.
\subsection[Things To Remember]{Things To
Do not pirate illegal content. ISPs will block your service after a few
strikes if they take it seriously. Do not be a leecher. A leecher is
someone that downloads a file from a torrent but does not seed it. If
most people are leechers, then the torrented file is unlikely to thrive
as leechers take and do not give back. Let your ratio reach to at least
1.05:1 to give back how much you take and also to allow for failed
downloads to be compensated for.
Be smart when downloading torrents. Make sure you have enough disk space
and verify and scan for viruses.
Torrents should be used whenever possible. They are reliable, fast,
prevent censorship, allow people to contribute easily, are flexible and
cannot be manipulated easily. Just keep in mind to give back to the
community by seeding and do not download illegal media.