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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Open-Source Islam Apps?]{Open-Source Islam Apps?}\label{why-i-use-terminal-apps}
\textbf{2 July 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Software
I have tried finding open-source and
\href{}{free} Islamic apps for a long time
and it is tiring to do so. Most of the apps are Quran and prayer time
apps which are perfect but we do not have apps for other parts of Islam
like hadeeths, duas and even Qibla locating. If I do run across an app,
its last update is always more than five years ago which is not ideal.
There are two Islamic apps that I use on a daily basis that I absolutely
love and will never switch from:
QuranApp is a spectacular app that follows the
\href{}{UNIX philosophy} and is hosted
under the \href{}{GPL
license} effectively making it \href{}{free
software}. It has many features like information on every single Surah,
multiple translations, audio, mentions of prophets in the Quran and even
has a search option using which you can search for any surah or term to
get detailed information about your search query in the Quran. For
example, searching about \textquotesingle patience\textquotesingle{}
brings up ayahs which talk about patience and the rewards that come
about from being patient.
Screenshot of the search term
\textquotesingle patience\textquotesingle{} in QuranApp
Al-Azan is another app which also follows the
\href{}{UNIX philosophy} and is hosted
under the \href{}{AGPL
license} also making it \href{}{free
software}. It does one thing well - displaying and informing of prayer
times. You can adjust the prayer times based on location, offset and
even calculation methods.
However, there is not a single \href{}{free
software} or even open-source
\href{}{Hisnul Muslim}
application that I have noticed. Most
\href{}{Hisnul Muslim} apps
I have used have the exact same duas since it is based off the
\textquotesingle Fortress of the Muslim\textquotesingle{} book. Just
having a page with all duas with a simple search option and the
translation in popular languages is all thats required to get the
open-source savvy Muslim community to start using
\href{}{free software} for their duas.
Anyone can take the lead. In fact, this may be the first thing I try
when I start developing applications.