Books PDF
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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section{Read Physical Books}\label{read-physical-books}
Posted on: \textbf{19 January 2024}
Category: \textbf{Literary}
Reading books is perhaps one of the most valuable ways to obtain
knowledge in this ever-evolving world. With omnipresent digital devices
and incredibly convenient purchasing, people find it easier to read
books on screens than physical books. I do not agree with this view.
Digital books have their own advantages but none outmatch the merits of
a physical book.
Physical books have no distractions, allowing you to get into
\textquotesingle the zone\textquotesingle{} much more easily. With
digital books, the reader can easily be distracted by something else. A
hint of boredom is all it takes to break your focus. This is a high
barrier for those already addicted to their devices. Physical books
allow you to focus like nothing else which is essential for absorbing
the knowledge in the book.
\subsection{Unbound By Time}\label{unbound-by-time}}
Physical books are not bound by time. If you are reading a book on a
screen, the battery can run out. Humans have dreadful memory, which can
lead to one forgetting to charge their device. There is no external
factor to worry about with physical books. You just pick one up and
start reading.
\subsection{Technology Independent}\label{technology-independent}}
All tech-savvy individuals know that no file format or storage medium
lasts forever. Proprietary file formats die when the company who made
them dies. If your book is in their file format, the money you spent is
of no use. To add to this, if you lose your device or your account,
there is no getting your book back. Physical books can be read centuries
from now.
The experience of reading a physical book is unmatched. The smell of the
pages, the scraping of your pencil when taking notes and the crisp pages
refusing to turn all add to the experience. There is no denying that a
physical book has a tactile feel as compared to a tablet.
Reading books physically is a proven method to developing yourself. It
helps you gain knowledge, reduces screen time and makes for a
spectacular habit to implement. If you want to improve your life, start
off with books.
It is trivial to share a book with a friend or relative. This reduces
one\textquotesingle s dependency on money as multiple people essentially
have a shared bookshelf. Sharing information and empowering people you
love the most is a wonderful way to employ a sense of connection.
To truly absorb the information you are reading, read them physically.
There is a vast supply of untapped information in books. I have started
reading \href{}{a plethora of physical books}, mostly on
finance. If you are a Muslim, this also includes reading the
Qur\textquotesingle an as there are thousands of new pieces of
information that you may come across.
To truly make use of the books you read, read them physically.
Reference in New Issue