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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Why Electric Cars Won't Take Over]{Why Electric Cars Won't Take Over}\label{why-electric-cars-wont-take-over}
\textbf{27 October 2023}
\textbf{Category: }Cars \& Technology
I believe that petrol and diesel cars will be around in the foreseeable
future? Why am I saying this? Do I not care about the environment? Do I
not care about saving money? The answer is complicated. You see, it is
much more complicated than just the car itself, it goes beyond that.
Electric cars are not the holy grail of cars. I will go over why in this
We have developed petrol cars for so long that the distance to the
nearest petrol station isn\textquotesingle t even a factor during our
purchases. This is not the same for electric cars. Charging stations
have to be implemented everywhere which have numerous disadvantages.
Firstly, a lot of money has to be spent digging underground for minerals
like copper and lithium which is against the environmental impact which
electric cars preach. A lot of land has to be used due to the lower
range of electric vehicles, and power outages result in the breakage of
the charging stations. In older cities which are small or have an
extensively packed construction infrastructure, it is hard to plan and
modify wiring, outlets and to prepare land for building stations.
For example, in Qatar, electric cars don\textquotesingle t sell much as
there are not many charging stations. There are electric buses for
public transportation but they are not common for consumers.
Most electric cars drive slower than petrol and diesel cars. This can be
a detterent for car enthusiasts who love testing the latest and greatest
cars. It can also make cars boring for the most part. A petrol engine
gives you something to look forward to. Does it has a V6 or a V8? 250HP
or 350HP? How many cylinders does it have? With electric cars, all of
that goes away.
It is not just about speed, however. Electric cars need to be topped up
more compared to petrol cars. Batteries die out quicker on electric cars
compared to petrol cars as well. Sure, engines do fail on petrol cars
but it is easy to maintain if you get an Asian car like a Toyota, a
Honda or a Kia.
Of course, batteries cause environmental degradation as well, reducing
the supposed contribution to the environment even more.
Charging takes more time on electric cars than petrol cars. The gap is
expected to narrow. However, it will never be as fast as a petrol car.
Being able to take your fuel source and just dump it in your vehicle is
easier than waiting for a charger to convert AC to DC.
\subsection{Energy Sources}\label{energy-sources}}
If the energy used to charge electric vehicles comes from coal or other
non-renewable sources, then the whole environment factor goes into the
Do you want a petrol car that is both reliable and fast? You got it.
What about one that is only fast because you don\textquotesingle t care
about the maintenance? You got it. What about a family car? You got it.
What about an electric car that does all of the above? You have 2-3 cars
that can do that and that\textquotesingle s it. There is a lack of
diversity in electric cars which needs to be fixed for them to go
If there is one thing that I want the reader to take away from this
post, it is that electric cars are not the best for the environment and
that there is a long time before they are adopted. There are multiple
factors that are responsible for this. Even after their adoption, they
will not stomp over petrol or diesel cars because petrol cars are just
more accessible.
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