New post (Smartphone Upgrades)
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pdftitle={(POST) Prioritize Performance},
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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Prioritize Performance]{Prioritize Performance}\label{prioritize-performance}
\textbf{7 April 2024}
\textbf{Category: }Software
In various software teams, inexperienced developers prefer to add
features in the current moment and plan to optimize for performance
later. They forget to do so in \emph{many} cases. This is a horrible
habit that needs to be stopped.
These are the reasons this may happen:
Companies prefer new features over speed
Companies pay their employees on the basis of the amount of lines of
Employees find it easier to write low-quality code that just works
By not optimizing for performance, \textbf{you are not respecting your
users.} Over the years, the required specifications and hardware for
each piece of software has been going up. This leads to old devices
being obsolete quickly and provides a bad experience for users on
low-end hardware.
A widespread counter to this argument is that most people upgrade their
hardware regularly. \textbf{They don\textquotesingle t.} Look at your
acquaintances and you will find a few people who use their devices for
as long as you can.
survey says that 39\% of people don\textquotesingle t upgrade their
smartphones before 4 years of ownership.} That is a whole lot of people
to give a bad software experience.
Another reason to prioritize performance is because it\textquotesingle s
simpler to make swift software when it\textquotesingle s in its early
stages. By following good conventions and proper practices, it becomes
trivial to make software run fast.
Lastly, fast software allows people to use their devices longer. Your
software will be indirectly making a positive impact to the climate.
Software teams should take the initiative to make sure their software
performs fast from the get-go. This is because of user respect,
simplicity and the climate.
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<hr/><p><a href="../"></a> > <a style="color:#bd93f9" href="../blog/">Blog</a> > <a style="color:#bd93f9" href=".">Why Smartphone Upgrades are Obsolete</a></p>
<h1>Why Smartphone Upgrades are Obsolete</h1>
<p style="font-size:110%">Posted on: <strong>25 May 2024</strong></p>
<p style="font-size:110%">Reading time: <strong><strong>3 min</strong>
<p style="font-size:110%"></strong>Category: <a style="color:#ff79c6" href="../blog/software/"><strong>Software</strong></a> && <a style="color:#ff79c6" href="../blog/technology/"><strong>Technology</strong></a></p>
<p>Smartphone manufacturers are spending more than ever before on marketing, but consumers are upgrading less. What could be the factor behind this widening gap?</p>
<p>Individuals are upgrading their devices less after the pandemic, and the numbers keep getting worse for companies. Advertisements and incentives to upgrade are still widespread, but their effectiveness is taking a hit. Nothing seems to be reducing this disparity, which is unnerving for almost everyone. <strong>Why exactly is this happening now?</strong></p>
<p>To fully answer that question, we have to analyze the market. To put it simply, <strong>there have been no groundbreaking innovations in the smartphone sphere for a while.</strong> Gone are the days where each smartphone event would make you jump in excitement because of features that were unheard of. The current state of the market consists of oligopolies re-branding each other's features. Care is directed towards <em>bringing in fans</em>, rather than innovating.</p>
<p>Think of the last smartphone announcement event you saw which genuinely had you impressed. For the majority, this takes a bit of thinking. For everyone, the event was a few years ago. The most recent events which shocked the populace are the following events:</p>
<li><a href="">Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 100X Zoom</a></li>
<li><a href="">Nothing Phone (1)</a></li>
<li><a href="">Pixel 6 Pro</a></li>
<p>If companies refuse to innovate, they lose customers. If they refuse to acknowledge this, it is their fault for losing money.</p>
<p><a href="">>>> Reply To Me</a></p>
<p><a href="upgrades.pdf">>>> Download PDF</a></p>
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@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
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pdftitle={(POST) Why Smartphone Upgrades are Obsolete},
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\title{Sufyaan's Website}
\author{Sufyaan's Website}
\section[Why Smartphone Upgrades are Obsolete]{Why Smartphone Upgrades are Obsolete}\label{why-smartphone-upgrades-are-obsolete}
\textbf{25 May 2024}
\textbf{Category: }Software \& Technology
Smartphone manufacturers are spending more than ever before on
marketing, but consumers are upgrading less. What could be the factor
behind this widening gap?
Individuals are upgrading their devices less after the pandemic, and the
numbers keep getting worse for companies. Advertisements and incentives
to upgrade are still widespread, but their effectiveness is taking a
hit. Nothing seems to be reducing this disparity, which is unnerving for
almost everyone. \textbf{Why exactly is this happening now?}
To fully answer that question, we have to analyze the market. To put it
simply, \textbf{there have been no groundbreaking innovations in the
smartphone sphere for a while.} Gone are the days where each smartphone
event would make you jump in excitement because of features that were
unheard of. The current state of the market consists of oligopolies
re-branding each other\textquotesingle s features. Care is directed
towards \emph{bringing in fans}, rather than innovating.
Think of the last smartphone announcement event you saw which genuinely
had you impressed. For the majority, this takes a bit of thinking. For
everyone, the event was a few years ago. The most recent events which
shocked the populace are the following events:
Galaxy S20 Ultra 100X Zoom}
\href{}{Nothing Phone (1)}
\href{}{Pixel 6
If companies refuse to innovate, they lose customers. If they refuse to
acknowledge this, it is their fault for losing money.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue